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You are here » The Plot Blueprint Discussion Forum » Lesson 1: Why write, and why write this story? » What Do You Want to Write?

What Do You Want to Write?

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I want to write a musical, but I want mine to be comedic journey with heart and emotion!



Why do I write?  I've been asking myself this a lot lately. I started storytelling before I learned how to read.  I told them to entertain myself. I was an only child without others to play with for a very long time. For a long time, I would have a great character, situation, details, and dialogue, but after the first chapter, I was lost. I still am. I'm not looking for writing anything to sell right now.  Now I want to tell the best possible story.



I like to write the stories that aren't being written. I don't mean anything revolutionary, just the sort of thing I like ... I figure there must be some others like me who want to read that sort of story!

There were times when I felt compelled to write... I wish I still had that compulsion! Now I have to encourage myself more.



I write because I can't imagine not writing. Although it has been harder to write since my line was cut at Harlequin and my editors were let go. It took me 15 years to get published, and I'm not sure I want to go through the agony again. On the other hand, this story is one I feel pushed to write. It's a psychological thriller with a female first-person narrator, and I'm anxious to find out what she's trying to tell me. :-)



Why do I write?  For a long, long time I wrote to be published.  Now I write for my entertainment.


You are here » The Plot Blueprint Discussion Forum » Lesson 1: Why write, and why write this story? » What Do You Want to Write?